Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ronald McDonald House Wish List

The Ronald McDonald House of Southern Colorado Springs is asking for a few much-needed donations. As I was going through their list, I realized that several of their requests are items that I get through free samples and items that I see on sale in the grocery ads, almost weekly! How easy would it be to buy that BOGO item with a coupon, and donate the extra one? Or that ever growing pile of samples that I haven't put to good use yet, why not donate them? Below is their wish list as it appears on their website as of today 9/2/10. An (*) means it is really in need!
*Cookie Mixes
Sandwiches (packaged)
Individual serving drink boxes
*Cereal - Individual boxes (serving size only)
*Paper Towels
*Clorox Wipes
*Fruit cups; Fruit snacks
*Packaged Meals (single serve, ex. Cup-of-Noodles, Easy Mac, etc.)
*Pot pies, pizzas, burritos, etc. - single serving size
Shaving cream (SAMPLE SIZE)
*Pledge "Grab It" cloths
*Raisins, baby carrots, etc.
Fresh Fruit
Trail Mix - in individual bags (Ziploc bags)
*Air Fresheners - NOT electric
* Prepaid Phone Cards (30 minute)
****Postage Stamps !!! (28 cent - 44 cent)
* Lowe's or Home Depot Gift Certificate Cards
* Office Depot Gift Certificate Cards
Seasonal Colored Paper 20# full reams
***Copy Paper (Letter Size 8 1/2 x 11)

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